
From Russia with Love

I don’t speak Czech, eat pork, or drink Becherovka. But I do speak spa. And that’s exactly why I headed to Karlovy Vary, a quaint spa city situated in Bohemia, the western part of the Czech Republic. Making my way to Lazne III, I decided it didn’t matter that I couldn’t understand a word anyone was saying because all I needed to do was find “Spa III” and relax.

Twenty minutes later, an elderly woman carrying a stack of white towels shoved one into my chest, and waited for me to undress. With predictable American modesty, I positioned the towel over my private parts as I stripped down, and then waited for my next command. Finally, the spa assistant grabbed my arm, and pulled me in front of a wide wooden door, which I presumed was the sauna. A second later, she opened the door and shoved me in.

The wooden room was dark and hot, so I felt confident that I had guessed right. Slowly, I moved toward the wooden tiers in front of me as my eyes started to adjust. Unfortunately, they adjusted on a naked old man lying on Tier #1.

“Shit,” I squeaked, clutching the towel around my chest as I realized that I had just entered a co-ed spa. Taking a deep breath of hot unisex air, I quickly reminded myself that I was in a new country for new experiences. And this certainly qualified. So, I decided to stay, and open my mind (if not my eyes) to enjoy the life of an elderly Czech person.

Slowly, the heat started to quiet my mind, and I decided that I was proud of myself for staying. For being somewhat “European.” Well, if you ignored the fact that I was still wrapped in a white towel. Without warning, the door to the sauna swung open, and another guest was shoved in. Only this time it was a gorgeous Russian man. Correction: a gorgeous NAKED Russian man.

With a beautiful “hello,” he smirked at the towel covering my body. “Aren’t you hot?” he asked with a soft Russian accent that made me sweat even harder.

“No, I’m American,” I said sounding like a complete idiot. While it had only been two days since I had spoken English to anyone, it appeared I had lost all conversational skills.

Twenty minutes later, my naked Russian man asked me to take a plunge in the cold pool. In my mind, I said yes. I dropped my towel, stood up, and took the plunge with him. In reality, I sat on the second tier of the sauna, and watched my naked Russian man head for the pool, and then disappear. Fortunately, the old man left with him, and for ten hot minutes I got to enjoy spa life without my towel (and only a tiny bit of regret).

Suggested Number of Drinks:

(Translation: three shots of Becherovka)


Anonymous said...

Lot's less embarrassing than the last episode and potentially more fun, too!

Belle Scarlett said...

Okay, SPA is my designated religion. Sensuous massage, origami, or deep tissue shiatsu, makes no diff. I'm yours. Which is probably why my husband forbids me from stepping foot in Burke Williams. You had me at "Spa."

Belle Scarlett
you could win a new Amazon Kindle at www.bellescarlett.com

Anonymous said...

Ray said:

This is my favorite story yet! I loved, "No, I'm American." Hysterical. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, naked and foreign at a spa... my fantasy is complete!

Anonymous said...

Do you have to pay extra for the naked Russian? I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Back in the day (early 90's) my hippy friends loved getting naked. I think that's why I never quite fit in. No one was about to see my flesh. If only I was 18 again and had that body back. I should have showed it to the world.

Anonymous said...

I once visited a spa resort on Orcas Island in Washington. The only people occupying the lovely warm mineral spas were large, unpleasant, very naked ladies. And so I spent good money on a place I never did enjoy. Good on you for being so adventurous.

Anonymous said...

Note for next time: "Da" is Russian for "yes"

Anonymous said...

I'd like to trade the Russian lady who waxes my bikini for your hot sweaty Russian. K? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I had a fling with a Russian guy when I was in London. Next time, don't pass it up!

Anonymous said...

Very funny ! Love this one , do think there all great . What comes to mind is when I was about 3 I went to a spa ? ( it was at Coney Iland so not sure SPA is right word ) With my Mom & Grand Mother all naked so I was all of maybe 3 feet or less walking around holding thier hands . I'm older now and still have not gotten that vision out of my head . Kind of like your old man .

Anonymous said...

Spa ! Yum love them I just booked a flight to Russia . Maybe there will be another cute Rusky or with my luck only the old guy .

Anonymous said...

Holy White Russian! You shouldve dropped your towel and went after him in the pool. When do you get that chance legally??? Certainly not if you are american. Embrace that you can be huge in europe!

Anonymous said...

I know he's not Russian, but what comes to my mind is Gov. Arnie. That's be a horrifying experience to see him in the buff.

Anonymous said...

cold plunge...cold shower is more like it. he's the russian that got away! great story. xoxoxo

Nicole Terry said...

Tylenol, I recently read that if you want to know what your ideal body weight is then you should think back to when you were 18. Let me tell you, not comforting! But it also told me that I shouldn't eat sweets, processed foods, or drink alcohol, so clearly they don't know what they're talking about!

Nicole Terry said...

Carol, love the visual. Sweet and tragic all at the same time. And just in time for Mother's Day. Thanks for sharing!

And "spa can be scary" - I suggest a trip to Karlovy Vary. Because as anonymous pointed out, we can all be huge in Europe!

Anonymous said...

oh, man, this one is definitely steamy. And the naked hunk looks like Viggo? Go on, blush if you need to, but drop that towel! Hilarious story!

Anonymous said...

Czech women are supposed to be some of the most beautiful women in the world, which is why I prefer Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Russalious! Too funny! Thanks for the belly laugh.

Anonymous said...

I think the hot naked hunk is Viggo.

Anonymous said...

I totally need to travel more. Thanks for reminding me there's more to life than these Seattle boys!

Anonymous said...

Where are the most attractive men in the world?

Nicole Terry said...

Melissa, I'd say Ireland & Italy. But I'm a big fan of the dark hair & blue eyes.

Anonymous said...

Some of the sweeties man are from England !

Anonymous said...

I know. I wish Jude Law wasn't such a man whore because he's sooooo hot. Those eyes, that accent. Delicious!

Anonymous said...

eww...i'm thinking of a hairy, sweaty, wrinkly, old man with a gold chain. those russians....

Anonymous said...

Which is better, Becherovka or Absinthe?

Anonymous said...

I love the line "Shit" I squeaked - odd how an expletive can sound cute!

Nicole Terry said...

Stay classy, I was living in Wales the first (and only) time I tried Absinthe. 5 of my girlfriends and I were having a slumber party and decided to do shots of Absinthe. The next morning, we all woke up with ZERO memory of the night. Now that's classy! ;)

So the answer is: I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't end up at a nude beach in the middle of nowhere without a ride home. Let me tell ya, there are a lot of naked grandpas there. A LOT!

Anonymous said...

We all have a memorable spa experience...but I LOVE yours!! My worst nightmare....

Unknown said...

Hey I had you down for a drop the towel and go for it kind of girl? :)
Only kidding! If he looked like Vigo, even I'd have gone for it!

KK said...

oooohhhh...a Russian lover...or better yet...a Russian luva (Sex and The City joke)...you coulda' had it all!
Yeah...that's all a little much for me...then again, if I had my 22yr old body...I'd walk around in the nude at all times...