
Top Ten Reasons I Drink More When I’m Single:

10. The Bachelor is better with friends and alcohol
9. Men lie about their age, height and personal hygiene
8. Peter Pan is alive and well, and multiplying in Los Angeles
7. This extra ten pounds is going nowhere, so why not enjoy myself
6. Sports bars are a good place to meet men, but Irish bars are better
5. Angelina Jolie lives in Los Angeles
4. Champagne is my “plus one” at weddings
3. Blind dates are better blind drunk
2. According to doctors, I should freeze my eggs
1. Because I can

What are your reasons?


Anonymous said...

He...he!! You're back - HURRAY! I always look forward to finding you after one of my ill-fated dating adventures. You always put a smile on my face which is more than I can say about my last date.

Anonymous said...

He...he!! You're back - HURRAY! I always look forward to finding you after one of my ill-fated dating adventures. You always put a smile on my face which is more than I can say about my last date.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the Irish Pub but I have to give a shout out to the rise of the wine bars. Viva la Vino!

Anonymous said...

Glad your back : Just in time for St. Patrick's Day I loved you last St. Patty's hope you have as much fun this time .

Anonymous said...

Lady Lush here, and my reasons are pretty much the same as yours (thank gosh Angelina goes out of town a lot, though, huh? Or all my brain cells would have bit the dust by now.) Plus, it's always Happy Hour somewhere in the world, and that's just reason enough for me!

Anonymous said...

So a blind date, with 2 bottles of Champagne in an Irish bar, would be a good night out? I think we're on the same wavelength here. Good to have you back by the way. Its been too long... I'm now 142. (See, us blokes never lie about our age)

KK said...

Where have you been...???? After the Lazy Spainyard I thought you had given up. We've got to keep fighting the good fight...or even the bad fight - in order to find the good one. I'm drunk right now...what the hell do I know...!

Anonymous said...

You know what else is better with friends and alcohol? EVERYTHING!!!! Man, I miss being single!! PS. Don't tell my husband : ) I will secretly continue to live vicariously through you, Nic!!! Keep on bloggin', yo!

vanessa said...

Amen sister!!! I love it!! Champagne has been mine "plus one" at many a weddings and I too have considered the freezing scenario. Even now married, your stories are all too familiar and provide some great comical relief! Keep 'em coming.....

Anonymous said...

Men...especially their pick-up lines... are much more charming after I've had a couple of drinks.

Anonymous said...

Because sober singles make Baby Jesus cry.

Anonymous said...

I drink more when I'm single because... it quiets the hurt... I can bring it to the gym in my water bottle... It makes staying in alone feel more sophisticated... I see my friends more often... it keeps me off the streets and in the gutter where I belong.
I love this blog! Keep going!

Anonymous said...

YOUR BACK ! I love your blog & missed it, I'm hoping your absence means you have lots more dating stories & cocktails for us . Maybe you even found the one !!!

Anonymous said...

I drink because I hate my roommate and being drunk helps me manage

Anonymous said...

I drink because I'm not single any more!

Anonymous said...

Who needs a reason to drink more!? These delicious drink recipes are reason enough!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...are you going to stop drinking when you meet Mr. Right?

Anonymous said...

I drink because I'm married with kids. Here's one for the single girl. Bottoms up.

Anonymous said...

I drank more when single because everyone (me and date included) would suddenly become so witty and pretty and sexy (a phenomenon that ends the next morning). When you're single it's imperative that everyone (you and dated included) is witty and pretty and sexy. When you're married though, you throw out the minis, the tighties and the stilettos; you wear sweats all day long, have messy hair and even occasionally burp...and honey gives you funny looks but still sticks around :-) Glad you're back, Nic. Love these cocktail dish sessions and love your reasons for drinking more while single!

Single No More

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back! Keep it up....reading your blog makes me laugh....and want a cocktail :)

Anonymous said...

HAAHAHAHA because beer goggles are essential most of the time.